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G1ANT Add-On Selenium and UI


What is Selenium Add-on ?

With the help of this add-on  we can access internet applications like Chrome and Firefox through G1ANT and perform various tasks/processes automatically.
In order to use this add-on one should enable it from Addons window.

Commands of Selenium Add-on

 1) selenium.alertaction = Waits for an alert and performs a specified action
 2) selenium.activatetab = This command activates a browser tab specified by a part of its title or URL address
 3) selenium.callfunction = This command calls a function on a specified element
 4) = This command clicks a specified element on an active web page
 5) selenium.close = This command closes a web browser
 6) selenium.closetab = This command closes the current tab in the current browser
 7) selenium.getattribute = This command gets a specified attribute of a specified element
 8) selenium.gethtml = This command gets full Html of a web page
 9) selenium.gettable = This command gets table from a website and assigns its content to a variable of datatable structure
10) selenium.gettext = This command gets text (a value) of a specified element
11) selenium.gettitle = This command gets the title of the currently active web browser instance
12) selenium.geturl = This command gets url of the current tab
13) selenium.newtab = This command adds a new tab to the current browser
14) = This command opens a new instance of a chosen web browser and optionally navigates to a specified URL address
15) selenium.presskey = This command sends a keystroke into a specified element
16) selenium.refresh = This command refreshes the current tab content in the web browser
17) selenium.runscript = This command runs Javascript code inside the web browser
18) selenium.setattribute = This command sets a specified attribute of a specified element
19) selenium.seturl = This command navigates the currently active selenium instance or tab to a specified URL address
20) selenium.switch = This command changes the currently active web browser instance
21) selenium.type = This command types text into a specified element
22) selenium.waitforvalue = This command waits for a Javascript code to return a specified value


What is UI Add-on ?

UI add-on is very useful add-on. We can access UI of any desktop application (notepad, calculator, task manager, window explorer etc) with the help of UI addon.
In order to use this add-on one should enable it from Add-on Window. In UI add-on id's of various window buttons plays an important role, so to get the exact id we should use Window Tree.
To access Window Tree Go to View/Window Tree. One should easily find the specific Id of window button of specific window.

Commands of UI Add-on

1) ui.keypress = This sends a key to a desktop application UI element specified by WPath structure
2) ui.mouseclick = This command clicks with proper event (left click/right click/double click) a desktop application UI element specified by WPath structure
3) ui.getrectangle = This command gets a bounding box of a desktop application UI element specified by WPath structure
4) ui.setfocus = This command sets focus on a UI element of a desktop application specified by WPath structure
5) ui.setroot = This command sets a root window, to which other UI elements will refer to by WPath
6) = This command clicks a desktop application UI element specified by WPath structure
7) ui.gettext = This command gets text (name, title, label etc.) of a desktop application UI element specified by WPath structure
8) ui.settext = This command inserts text into a specified UI element of a desktop application window
9) waitfor.ui = This command waits for a UI element of a desktop application specified by WPath structure

To know more about these add-on, check the Scripts written using these commands - Click this Link 


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